0x Protocol Ecosystem

rdyplayerB [Brent]
7 min readJul 20, 2018


The 0x Ecosystem — July 2018

By far, my favorite blockchain project is the 0x Protocol. With a mission to “create a tokenized world where all value can flow freely,” their blockchain protocol has the potential to fundamentally transform business across an expansive range of industries. However, when I talk to others and read commentary about the project, there seems to be a common misconception that 0x is solely being utilized to develop decentralized exchanges (or DEXs). I wrote this article and created the ecosystem infographic to help people understand that while there are certainly a number of DEXs incorporating the 0x protocol today, this is but a single use case. My hope is that the infographic paints a clear picture of 0x’s versatility and potential and that the project summaries provide a quick introduction to those who are currently using the protocol or who have publicly announced their interest in using the protocol.

New to 0x? I suggest reading “A beginner’s guide to 0x” by Linda Xie.

Want to get a closer look at some of the awesome projects being built using the 0x protocol? Check out my “0x Protocol Ecosystem, project spotlight” articles.

Want to learn about other potential 0x use cases? Check out “18 Ideas for 0x Relayers in 2018” by Tom Schmidt.

Thank you to Jacob Evans for feedback on the ecosystem.

0x ecosystem project summaries — listed in alphabetical order

Note: Some projects are not yet live. Check the project’s website for up to date status.

• dApp = Decentralized application
• Relayer = An entity that facilities the hosting of an order book within the 0x ecosystem

Aragon [dApp]
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations > Management & Governance

A platform that allows anyone to create and manage a decentralized organization complete with basic administrative functions, such as fundraising, voting, accounting, payroll, and profit distribution.

Token: ANT
Grants voting rights to determine the future direction of the platform’s development.

Website: aragon.org | Twitter: @AragonProject

Amadeus [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A project focused on simplifying the exchange of crypto tokens for decentralized applications through the development of a relayer API.

Website: amadeusrelay.org | Twitter: @AmadeusRelay

Auctus [dApp]
Financial Services > Digital Assets Management > Retirement Planning

A retirement planning platform that uses smart contracts to offer diversified investment portfolios of traditional assets, as well as cryptoassets.

Token: AUC
Required to use the platform and to pay for portfolio management fees.

Website: auctus.org | Twitter: @AuctusProject

Augur [dApp]
Prediction Markets

A prediction market platform where users can speculate on the outcome of future events.

Token: REP
Required to create prediction events, as well as report on the accuracy of event outcomes.

Website: www.augur.net | Twitter: @AugurProject

Bamboo Relay [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: www.bamboorelay.com | Twitter: @BambooRelay

Block DX (by Blocknet) [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange, built on the Blocknet protocol, that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: www.blocknet.co/block-dx | Twitter: @The_Blocknet

Blocknet [dApp]
Cross-chain Interoperability

A protocol that enables the transfer of data and value between different blockchains and cross-chain decentralized applications (or dApps). The first dApp created on Blocknet is “Block DX”, a decentralized exchange.

Token: BLOCK
Used to pay for trading fees and required to run service and staking nodes. Service nodes collect and distribute trading fees, while staking nodes confirm network transitions.

Website: www.blocknet.co | Twitter: @The_Blocknet

Bloqboard [dharma relayer]
Financial Services > Lending & Crowdfunding

A dharma debt relayer that expands peer-to-peer lending liquidity within the dharma protocol network.

Website: bloqboard.com | Twitter: @bloqboard

bZx [dApp]
Financial Services > Lending & Crowdfunding
Decentralized Exchanges > Margin Trading & Derivatives Market

A platform that enables peer-to-peer lending and borrowing for margin trading. Formerly known as b0x.

Token: BOX
Used to pay for trading fees and facilitate governance of the platform.

Website: bZx.network | Twitter: @b0xNet

ChronoBank [dApp]
Labor Markets

A platform that connects labor hour suppliers, from businesses or individuals, to labor hour consumers and guarantees that suppliers will be compensated properly.

Token: TIME
Gives voting rights on specific company decisions, mining reward distributions, the ability to interact with other members, and the monitoring of operational metrics and company financials.

Website: chronobank.io | Twitter: @ChronobankNews

DDEX [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange, built on the Hydro Protocol, that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: ddex.io | Twitter: @ddex_io

Dextroid [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: www.dextroid.io | Twitter: @dextroid

Dharma [dApp]
Financial Services > Lending & Crowdfunding

A protocol that enables the issuance of tokenized, peer-to-peer debt agreements with a completely integrated underwriting process.

Token: N/A — however, each individual loan creates a fully tradable debt token which gives the holder rights to the future repayment of the loan.

Website: dharma.io | Twitter: @DharmaProtocol

District0x [dApp]
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations > Communities & Marketplaces

A framework of smart contracts which allow the creation, operation, and governing of communities and marketplaces called districts.

Token: DNT
Required to create and join districts. Grants voting rights on changes and additions to the main District0x network. Also, grants district-specific voting rights and privileges through the staking of tokens.

Website: district0x.io | Twitter: @district0x

dYdX [dApp]
Financial Services > Lending & Crowdfunding
Decentralized Exchanges > Margin Trading & Derivatives Market

A protocol for financial derivatives that enables peer-to-peer lending, short-selling, and options trading.

Website: dydx.exchange | Twitter: @dydxprotocol

dexdex [dApp]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A platform that enables peer-to-peer trading with an easily integrated (EasyTrade) website widget and APIs for both standard applications and decentralized applications.

Website: dexdex.io | Twitter: @dexdexplatform

ERC dEX [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: ercdex.com | Twitter: @ERCdEX

Ethfinex [0x relayer]
Financial Services > Lending & Crowdfunding
Decentralized Exchanges > Margin Trading & Derivatives Market / 0x Relayers

A hybrid decentralized exchange, owned by Bitfinex, that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens, as well as peer-to-peer lending and borrowing for margin trading.

Token: NEC
A “loyalty token” that is earned by market makers. Grants voting rights to determine the future direction of the platform’s development.

Website: www.ethfinex.com | Twitter: @ethfinex

Hut34 [dApp]
IoT / AI

A platform that enables bots, IoT devices, and other digital services to communicate and fairly monetize any shared information or services.

Token: ENTRP
Used to pay for transactions in the ecosystem of connected devices and services.

Website: hut34.io | Twitter: @hut34project

IDT Exchange [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: www.idtexchange.com | Twitter: @IDTExchange

Instex [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: app.instex.io | Twitter: @Instex_0x

LedgerDex [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: www.ledgerdex.com | Twitter: @ledgerdex

Lendroid [dApp]
Financial Services > Lending & Crowdfunding
Decentralized Exchanges > Margin Trading & Derivatives Market

A protocol that enables peer-to-peer lending and borrowing for margin trading.

Token: LST
Required to use the protocol and can be earned by non-token holders who provide essential services, such as monitoring loan life cycles and the health of margin accounts. Will also be used in the future for protocol governance.

Website: lendroid.com | Twitter: @lendroidproject

MelonPort [dApp]
Financial Services > Digital Assets Management

A platform that allows users to build, manage, and invest in digital asset funds.

Token: MLN
Used to pay for trading fees and grants voting rights on monetary policy and the future direction of the platform’s development.

Website: melonport.com | Twitter: @melonport

MobiDex [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: mobidex.io

Oasis Direct [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens. Initially created for the purpose of exchanging ETH for DAI/MKR, but will eventually serve more tokens in the future.

Website: oasis.direct | Twitter: @oasisdirect

OAX [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Token: OAX
Grants voting rights on major operational decisions related to the platform.

Website: www.oax.org | Twitter: @OAX_Foundation

OpenRelay [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: openrelay.xyz | Twitter: @open_relay

Paradex [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens. Recently purchased by CoinBase and will be integrated into their Coinbase Pro product.

Website: paradex.io | Twitter: @ParadexIO

Radar Relay [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: radarrelay.com | Twitter: @RadarRelay

Request Network [dApp]
Financial Services > Payments

A decentralized payment system that allows anyone to securely request and receive money.

Token: REQ
Used to pay for transaction fees.

Website: request.network | Twitter: @RequestNetwork

Shark Relay [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: app.sharkrelay.com | Twitter: @SharkRelay

Star Bit [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Token: STB (ICO suspended until August 2018)
Used to pay for various professionals services offered by Star Bit, such as transaction fees, token-launch fees, and ICO underwriting services. Token holders also receive dividends from collected platform transaction fees.

Website: www.starbitex.com | Twitter: @StarBitInno

The 0cean [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: theocean.trade | Twitter: @TheOceanTrade

Token Jar [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens.

Website: tokenjar.io | Twitter: @TokenJar_io

Tokenlon (by imToken) [0x relayer]
Decentralized Exchanges > 0x Relayers

A decentralized exchange that enables peer-to-peer trading of crypto tokens. Integrated into the imToken digital asset wallet app.

Website: tokenlon.token.im/tokenlon | Twitter: @imTokenOfficial

To learn more about the 0x project…

Visit their: Website | Read their: Whitepaper

Join their community on: Rocket.Chat | Medium | Reddit | Twitter | Facebook | Github



rdyplayerB [Brent]

web3 community, DeFi OG, AI art{work} | @arxresearch + @Kongiscash | prev. @0xProject , @matchaxyz , airline biz